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2020 EDJ Special Issue: Scholarship in English Translation

Call For Submissions to a 2020 Special Issue of The Emily Dickinson Journal

International Dickinson: Scholarship in English Translation

Because English is the dominant language in Dickinson studies, scholarship published in other languages is often overlooked. With the goal of promoting scholarly dialogue across languages and cultures, we invite submissions for a special issue of The Emily Dickinson Journal devoted to translations into English of recent critical work on the poet published in other languages. As Domhnall Mitchell and others have noted, interest in Dickinson’s writing continues to grow in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and other parts of the world: currently there are major translation projects underway in places like Japan, Taiwan, China, and Brazil. Global interest in Dickinson’s work, however, has surpassed global scholarly communication networks, which tend to be restricted by national and linguistic boundaries.

Seeking to represent a nationally diverse range of critical perspectives on Dickinson’s work, the editors invite scholars to submit abstracts in English of no more than 500 words proposing the translation of a peer-reviewed essay or book chapter published in a language other than English in the last five years. This may be work you published or work familiar to you; if the work is not your own, please secure the permission of the author to translate it into English as part of your proposal. We will review the abstracts and extend invitations to scholars to translate the proposed work into English in full or in part for publication in the fall 2020 issue of The Emily Dickinson Journal.

To maximize the diversity of the scholarly work presented in the issue, a second section will feature abstract-length presentations of books, chapters, and peer-reviewed, published articles. We therefore also invite scholars to send 500-word summaries of recently published or forthcoming work, to be published in abstract form. For a third section, we seek abstracts (250-300 words) of PhD dissertations on Dickinson defended in the last five years, or still in progress. It is our hope that this issue will bring new perspectives to an international readership. The issue offers a unique opportunity for international scholars to make their work more widely available, and for English-speaking scholars to enrich their critical perspectives on Dickinson.

Please submit abstracts for all three sections to all 3 editors of this issue, Adeline Chevrier-Bosseau (, Li-hsin Hsu ( and Eliza Richards ( Provide any necessary permissions, the bibliographical information for the original publication or dissertation, and a short cv.

Deadline for submission: January 15, 2020.