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Calls for Papers
Emily Dickinson International Society

The Emily Dickinson International Society seeks submissions to two panels at the annual American Literature Association Conference (ALA), which will be held at the Palmer House Hilton, Chicago on May 26-29, 2022.

Panel 1: Dickinson and Restoration

How does Emily Dickinson’s work conceptualize or address the notion of restoration? Does reading Dickinson’s poems help us rethink the ideology of healing in response to a post-pandemic world? The panel seeks papers that explore Dickinson’s writing about restoration and / or regeneration, or theorize Dickinson’s approach towards the idea of renewal, natural or man-made, emotional, physical or spiritual, politically, economically or environmentally, materialistically or symbolically, or otherwise. Presentations might consider how recent theories of philosophies, technologies, sociologies or ecologies might refresh our ways of reading Dickinson and restoration in her time. Papers might also consider how to read Dickinson in relation to contemporary events or interdisciplinary approaches and discourses, or how reading Dickinson’s works might assist our understanding of restoration as a multifaceted concept in new ways.

Panel 2: Open Topic

We invite proposals for papers on any aspect of Dickinson studies. We particularly invite new directions in research or scholarship. We hope to pull together a panel that will provide insight into new dimensions in Dickinson studies.

Please submit a brief proposal (300 word abstract and 100 word bio) by January 30th, 2022 to Elizabeth A. Petrino (, Renée Bergland (renee.bergland@GMAIL.COM) and Li-hsin Hsu (