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Barnstone, Aliki

Aliki Barnstone
Associate Professor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Department of English
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
5405 Maryland Pkwy, Box 455011
Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-5011
702-895-4341; 702-895-4801 fax


BOOKS Wild With It (poems), The Sheep Meadow Press, forthcoming 2001. A Changing Rapture: The Development of Emily Dickinson's Poetry (literary criticism). University Press of Florida, forthcoming 2001 .

Voices of Light: Spiritual and Visionary Poems by Women Around the World from Ancient Sumeria to Now (poetry anthology), Shambhala Publications, 2000, 287 pp.

An annotated edition of H.D.'s Trilogy, with a critical introduction. New Directions Books, 1998.

Madly in Love (poems). Pittsburgh: Carnegie-Mellon, 1997, 67 pp. (Nominated in 1997 for the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry.)

The Calvinist Roots of the Modern Era (critical essays), edited with Michael Tomasek Manson & Carol J. Singley. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1997. 317 pp.

A Book of Women Poets from Antiquity to Now (poetry anthology), edited with Willis Barnstone. New York: Schocken/Random House, First Edition. 1980. 640 pp. Second Revised & Expanded Edition, 1992. 822 pp.

Windows in Providence (poems). New York/Austin: Curbstone, 1981. 54 pp.

The Real Tin Flower (poems). Introd. Anne Sexton. New York: Macmillan, 1968. 64 pp.


"'The Blank Pages of the Unwritten Volume of the New': Gnosticism in H.D.'s Trilogy and Brenda Hillman's Death Tractates," in H.D. and Poets After. Ed. Donna Krolik Hollenberg, Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2000.

"Mastering the Master: Emily Dickinson's Appropriation of Crisis Conversion" in The Calvinist Roots of the Modern Era. (See heading Books)

"'Who is the Widow's Muse?': A Memoir and Reading of Ruth Stone" in The House is Made of Poetry: Essays on the Art of Ruth Stone. Eds. Wendy Barker and Sandra M. Gilbert. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois UP. 1996. 163-179. (Part of
the series Ad Feminitam: Women and Literature. Sandra M. Gilbert, Series Editor.)

"Houses within Houses: Emily Dickinson and Mary Wilkins Freeman's 'A New England Nun.'" Centenniel Review. Fall, 1984. 129-145.

"Houses within Houses: Emily Dickinson and Mary Wilkins Freeman's 'A New England Nun.'" Part One of this article, the part that deals with Freeman appears in a book entitled Mary Wilkins Freeman: A Study of the Short Fiction . Ed. Mary R.
Reichardt. New York: Twayne / Macmillan, 1997.

"Voices in the Garden: Andrew Marvell, Emilia Lanier and Emily Dickinson," in Men by Women. Ed. Janet Todd. New York: Holmes and Meier, 1982. 147-67.


Poems have recently appeared or will appear in Exquisite Corpse, Triquarterly, New England Review, Prairie Schooner, New Letters, Boulevard, and other journals.

Work in Progress

A Changing Rapture: The Development of Emily Dickinson's Poetry, forthcoming with the University Press of Florida, 2001.

Research Interests

Emily Dickinson
Spirituality and Poetry
Writing Poetry
Women's Poetry