You are hereChesnokova, Anna
Submitted by achesnokova on July 26, 2009 - 4:57pm
Name: Anna Chesnokova, Ph.D. Title/Independent Scholar: Professor Institutional Affiliation: Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University Address/Phone/E-mail: 3 Botkin Str., apt. # 20 Selected Publications: ‘Anyone Came to Live Here Some Time Ago: A Cognitive Semiotics Approach to Deviation as a Foregrounding Device' (with W. van Peer). In Versus: Quaderni di studi semiotici 122, 2016. In press. ‘Empirical Stylistics in an EFL Teaching Context: Comparing Virtual and Face-to-Face Reading Responses'. In Michael Burke, Olivia Fialho and Sonia Zyngier, eds. Scientific Approaches to Literature in Learning Environments. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2016, 105-124. Book review of Literary Education and Digital Learning: Methods and Technologies for Humanities Studies edited by Willie van Peer, Sonia Zyngier and Vander Viana. In Journal of Aesthetic Education. University of Illinois Press. Fall 2013, 47.3, 120–121. ‘Emily Dickinson's Poetry in Russian and Ukrainian Translation: Synaesthetic Shift' (with S. Shurma). In Abstracts of Cognition and Poetics Conference 2013, University of Osnabrück, 56. ‘This is [Her] Letter to the World or Are Ukrainians Receptive to Dickinson in Translation?' In Proceedings of the V International Conference “Technical and Literary Translation: Theory, Methodology, Practice”. Kyiv: Agrar Media Group, 2012, 393–397. ‘Aspects of Emily Dickinson's Poetry in Ukrainian Translation'. In Messenger of Ukrainian-American Humanitarian (Liberal Arts) Institute "Wisconsin International University (USA) Ukraine", 3 (2011), 18-22. ‘Learning about Literature through Empirical Research’ (with Willie van Peer and Sonia Zyngier). In Lesley Jeffries and Dan McIntyre, eds. Teaching Stylistics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 109–123. Measuring the Impression of Poetry: Introduction to Empirical Research Methods in Linguistics. Kyiv: Lenvit, 2011. Book Review of Muses and Measures: Empirical Research Methods for the Humanities by Willie van Peer, Jemeljan Hakemulder and Sonia Zyngier. In Journal of Aesthetic Education. University of Illinois Press, Winter 2010, 44.4, 120–121. ‘Dickinson in the Ukraine’. In Domhnall Mitchell and Maria Stuart, eds. The International Reception of Emily Dickinson. London: Continuum Press, 2009, 189–203. ‘Quantitative Research in Practice: Applying a Differential Scale Questionnaire to Literature’ (with Vander Viana, Sonia Zyngier, Juliana Jandre and Samantha Nero). In Sumy State University Messenger. Philology (Language and Literature), 1: 3–4 (2009), 67–77, ‘Budding Researchers in the Humanities: An Intercultural Online Project’ (with Sonia Zyngier, Vander Viana and Willie van Peer). In Deb Gearhart, ed. Cases on Distance Delivery and Learning Outcomes: Emerging Trends and Programs. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2009, 231–244. ‘Universal Poe(try)? Reacting to “Annabel Lee” in English, Ukrainian, Portuguese and English’ (with Sonia Zyngier, Vander Viana, Juliana Jandre and Samantha Nero). In Sonia Zyngier, Vander Viana and Juliana Jandre, eds. Linguagem, criatividade e ensino: abordagens empíricas e interdisciplinares: Proceedings of IX ECEL Symposium in Empirical Studies in Language and Literature. Rio de Janeiro: Publit, 2009, 193–211. ‘Readers’ Response to an American Canonical Verse: What’s in a Name?’ In Abstracts of The 29th Annual Conference of the International Poetics and Linguistics Association “The Art of Stylistics”. Middelburg: Roosevelt Academy, 2009, 14. Directions in Empirical Literary Studies: In honor of Willie van Peer (with Sonia Zyngier, Marissa Bortolussi and Jan Auracher, eds.). Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2008. ‘Dickinson’s Poetry in the Context of Literary Awareness’. In KNLU UNESCO Messenger. Philology. Pedagogics. Psychology, 14 (2007), 23–26. Acting & Connecting. Empirical Approaches to Language and Literature (with Sonia Zyngier, and Vander Viana, eds.). Munster: LIT Verlag, 2007. ‘Open / Close Metaphor in Dickinson’s Poetic Self-Awareness’. In Word, Sentence and Text Semantics, 18 (2007), 147–151. ‘Dickinson Studies in Ukraine: Genesis and Research Perspectives’. In Philological Studies, 1–2 (39–40) (2007), 119–123. ‘Emily Dickinson in Ukrainian Translation: Promises and Dangers’. In KNLU UNESCO Messenger. Philology. Pedagogics. Psychology, 13 (2006), 63–66. ‘Detailization and Specification in Ukrainian Translations of Dickinson: Deviation or a Poetic Norm?’ in KNLU Messenger. Philology, 9: 2 (2006), 115–117. ‘Shapes and Numbers in Dickinson: Mathematics of Emotion’. In KNLU Messenger. Philology, 9: 1 (2006), 145–148. ‘Reading Dickinson: Identification and Cultural Stereotypes’ (with Milena P. Mendes). In KNLU UNESCO Messenger. Philology. Pedagogics. Psychology, 12 (2006), 150–154. ‘Dickinson in Ukrainian and Brazilian Reception: Why Understanding Fails or Empirical Research Perspectives’. In Abstracts of X International Congress of IGEL. Munich: LMU, 2006, 12. ‘Literary Studies in Ukraine: Dickinson and Beyond’. In EDIS Bulletin, 17: 1 (May/June 2005), 8–9. ‘Nature in Emily Dickinson: Emersonian Impact’. In KNLU UNESCO Messenger. Philology. Pedagogics. Psychology, 9 (2004), 130–132. ‘Five Senses in Emily Dickinson’. In Language and Conceptual World Pictures, 13 (2004), 188–-192. ‘Time and Rhythm in Lesya Ukrainka's and Emily Dickinson's Lyrical Poetry’. In Typology of Ukrainian and American Literatures. Part 1. The Boundary of the XIX-XX Centuries. Kyiv: Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, 2004, 27–43. ‘Dickinson in Ukraine: Traditional and New Perspectives’. In EDIS Bulletin, 16:1 (May/June 2004), 21. ‘Emily Dickinson: Inner and/or Outer? Where's the Boundary?’ In Challenging the Boundaries. PALA 2003 Istanbul. Book of Abstracts. Bogazici University, 2003, 11. ‘Temporal Movement in Emily Dickinson: Slavonic Point of View"’. In Abstracts of XXII International Poetics and Linguistics Association Conference "The Writer's Craft, the Culture's Technology". University of Birmingham, 2002, 19–20. ‘Metaphor in Lesya Ukrainka's and Emily Dickinson's Intimate Lyrics’. In Szilvia Csabi and Judit Zerkowitz, eds., Textual Secrets: The Message of the Medium. Proceedings of the 21st PALA Conference. Budapest: School of English and American Studies. Eotvos Lorand University, 2002, pp. 395–398. ‘Emily Dickinson in Ukrainian Literary Studies’. EDIS Bulletin, 13: 1 (May/June 2001), 23. ‘Love and Death in Lesya Ukrainka and Emily Dickinson’. IATEFL-Ukraine Newsletter, 13: 2 (1998), 41–43. ‘Time in Lesya Ukrainka and Emily Dickinson’. IATEFL-Ukraine Newsletter, 11 (1998), 29–31. ‘Landscape Lyrics in Lesya Ukrainka and Emily Dickinson’. IATEFL-Ukraine Newsletter, 4 (1996), 27. Work in Progress: Emily Dickinson's Poetry in Russian and Ukrainian Translation: Synaesthetic Shift (with S. Shurma) Research Interests: Empirical studies of literature