You are hereNew Directions in Dickinson Studies
Submitted by Enszer on July 14, 2012 - 3:04pm
“New Directions in Dickinson Studies” showcases original pieces of writing about some aspect of the work of Emily Dickinson. These are not traditional articles, but are, instead, thought pieces, half ideas, the beginnings of arguments and/or narratives. The project of this website is to create a space where a community of interested readers and writers can engage with writing in its middle stages. A new piece will go up every two months, at which point readers should feel free to post responses and engage in dialogue with the writer and with each other. At the end of two months, the piece will be archived and a new piece will go up. By stating that we are after “new directions,” we are not claiming that the ideas explored on this site have not been explored somewhere, by someone, in the past. What we are trying to do is imagine — through style as much as through content — what “new” might mean in this field. For this reason, we are open to a variety of critical and creative approaches, and to a discussion that is imaginative and challenging. The site is open for all to read. If you would like to post a response and become part of the conversation, please email Alex Socarides at and she will provide you with access to the site. Please also be in touch with her if you are interested in submitting a piece for publication. Visit “New Directions in Dickinson Studies” today!