You are hereErickson, Marianne
Submitted by merickson on July 26, 2009 - 5:14pm
Marianne Erickson Publications Erickson, Marianne, contributing writer. The Emily Dickinson Encyclopedia. Jane D. Eberwein, ed. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998. ---. "The Scientific Education and Technological Imagination of Emily Dickinson." The Emily Dickinson Journal. V:2 (1996):45-52. ---. Translation, "Vagabond Vowels, Migrant Mothers." By Ursula Krechel. World Literature Today. 69:3 (Summer 1995): 499-504. ---. "Hear Together Eyes; Write Together Heart: American Sign Language in the (Verbocentric) Composition Classroom." The Ram's Horn. VI (June 1992): 8-14. ---. "Geriatric Canons" A Look at Aging through Literature." Gerontology and Geriatrics Education. 11.3 (1991): 67-76. Work in Progress Book: Toward a Cognitive Poetics of Translation Research Interests Dickinson and other fine poets Translation Studies and Theory Cognitive Linguistics