Submitted by RFranz on February 23, 2014 - 12:49pm
Calls for Papers 2015 MLA in Vancouver: Emily Dickinson International Society
1. Sounding Dickinson
We seek papers on Dickinson’s engagements with contemporary soundscapes; her meditations on sound; and the sonic properties of her writings. Possible topics include voices, noise, song, hearing, listening, rhyme, rhythm, etc. Please send 300-word abstracts by March 15th to Eliza Richards (
2. New Work on Dickinson: Flash Talks.
We invite abstracts from anyone breaking new ground in Dickinson studies for 4-5-minute presentations accompanied by a single slide, if desired. Time limits will be strictly enforced to accommodate as many new perspectives as possible: 8 brief talks. Please send 300-word abstracts by March 15th to Eliza Richards (