You are here2015 Annual Meeting - Amherst, Massachusetts
Submitted by RFranz on May 25, 2015 - 9:21pm
In collaboration with the Emily Dickinson Museum, The Emily Dickinson International Society 2015 Annual Meeting will be held in Amherst Aug. 7-9. "Dickinson in Her Elements" offers a variety of programs inspired by the poet's engagements with air, earth, fire, and water. A Critical Institute in which participants are sharing essays in progress is already under way, and during the meeting we're offering workshops on some poems in which Dickinson turns her acute attentions to worldly elements. Besides some wonderfully informative and engaging talks by exciting scholars, Friday evening we'll be treated by The Red Skies Music Ensemble and Saturday afternoon by jazz pianist Tomoko Ozawa playing Martha Dickinson Bianchi's Steinway in the Evergreens. Also featured are hikes on the Emily Dickinson trail, visits to the Amherst College Wilder Observatory, a program on Dickinson's gardens, thinking about the weather in Dickinson, and more. Be prepared for a delightful variety of elemental matters--bird-watching, star-gazing, cloud musing, ruminating botanically, thinking about insects, earthquakes, and congregating with other Dickinson and poetry enthusiasts from all over the world (Japan, France, Qatar, England, just to name a few). WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU IN AMHERST. TO REGISTER, FOLLOW ONE OF THE LINKS AT THE TOP OF THIS POST.