You are hereHallen, Cynthia L.
Submitted by Enszer on July 26, 2009 - 5:22pm
Cynthia L. Hallen Publications Emily Dickinson Lexicon. Ed. Cynthia L. Hallen. Available Online. In Progress. "The Lord's Covenant of Kindness: Isaiah 54 and 3 Nephi 22." Isaiah in the Book of Mormon. Ed. Donald W. Parry and John W. Welch. Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1998, 313-49. "Student Lexicographers: Pioneers for the Emily Dickinson Lexicon." Linguistics at Work: A Reader of Applications. Ed. Dallin D. Oaks. Dallas: Harcourt, 1998, 536-552. "Glossary." Linguistics at Work: A Reader of Applications. Ed. Dallin D. Oaks. Dallas: Harcourt, 1998, 727-745. "Censorship and Sensitivity: Understanding Community Standards." Council Chronicle 6:4 (April 1997) 16. Urbana: NCTE, 1997. To be reprinted in Cultural Attractions/Cultural Distractions. Prentice-Hall. "Cognitive Circuits: The Circumference of Dickinson's Lexicon." The Emily Dickinson Journal: Special Issue on Translating Dickinson 6:2 (1997) 76-83. "Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day." BYU Studies 36:4 (1997-97), 107-115. "Brave Columbus, Brave Columbia: Emily Dickinson's Search for Land." Emily Dickinson Journal 5:2 (1996) 169-75. By Invitation. "Student Lexicographers: Pioneers for the Emily Dickinson Lexicon." Dictionaries 15 (1994) 100-115. Submitted by Invitation. "Translation and the Emily Dickinson Lexicon." With Laura M. Harvey. Emily Dickinson Journal 2:2 (1993): 130-146. Submitted by Invitation. "Lexical Music in Emily Dickinson's Poems." Dickinson Studies (first half 1992): 24-39. Work in Progress "Redeeming the Desolate Woman in 3 Nephi 22," forthcoming in Journal of the Book of Mormon Studies. "Hand-on Lexicography and the History of English." Chapter in Resources for Teaching the History of the English Language. Cleveland State University. Research Interests Emily Dickinson