You are hereIoannou, Costas
Submitted by Enszer on July 26, 2009 - 5:24pm
Costas Ioannou Publications (Poetry) 52 Hellenic Haiku. Athens: J.G. Vassiliou Editions, 1990. [In Greek]. Haiku and Kiko. Athens: Gavrielides Editions, 1997. [In Greek and English]. Points of Fuga. Athens, 1993. [In Greek]. Publications (Translations) Emily Dickinson: The Poetess of Times to Come. Athens: Gavrielides Editions, 1996. D.H. Lawrence: Poet of Now. Athens: Odos Panos Editions, 1997. Rupert Brooke. In press. Work in Progress 2nd Revised Edition: Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson Research Interests Cognitive Poetics