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2018: Dickinson Critical Institute in Amherst

2018 Dickinson Critical Institute in Amherst

Graduate students and early career scholars are invited to apply to the Dickinson Critical Institute at the Emily Dickinson International Society (EDIS) Annual Meeting in Amherst, MA on Friday, August 3, 2018. The Institute provides an opportunity for participants to workshop critical essays and conference papers with established Dickinson scholars in small seminars. Participants are encouraged to stay for the entire annual meeting, on August 3-4, which provides the opportunity to meet and talk with other participants who share common interests, to hear invited speakers, to conduct research at area libraries with strong holdings related to Dickinson, to visit the Dickinson Museum, and perhaps to enjoy the Emily Dickinson Trail and/or many of the delightful hikes in the area.

If you are interested in applying to the Institute, please submit a short cv and a 500-800 word description of your project to Eliza Richards ( and Faith Barrett ( by February 1, 2018. Please make the subject heading “Dickinson Institute Application,” and attach your application materials as Word or pdf documents. Applicants will be notified by email by March 1; selected participants will be asked to circulate 8-10 page papers to their workshop group by June 15th.

The EDIS will be offering travel funds to a limited number of participants. If you would like to apply for travel funds, please include a document with your application that provides the following information:

- name, email, institution and position (if applicable)
- itemized approximate budget for travel to the meeting
- other sources of travel funding you will apply for