You are hereEDIS Annual Meeting, Amherst, Massachusetts July 21-23, 2023 Save the Date!“Clasp Hemispheres, and Homes” EDIS Annual Meeting, Amherst, Massachusetts July 21-23, 2023 Save the Date! EDIS is returning to Amherst! For the last three summers, while EDIS has gathered online and in Seville, the Emily Dickinson Museum was closed. The Museum used the time to undertake a major, impeccably researched and executed restoration of the Dickinson Homestead; they also launched the first comprehensive cataloging of the Museum’s collection of over 10,000 objects. The EDIS Annual Meeting will feature this work. Participants will be able to tour the magnificently restored Homestead, learn about the restoration from museum staff, and view objects relating to Dickinson’s home from the Museum’s collection that have never been exhibited. We will also view and learn about original Dickinson manuscripts in the Amherst College archives. The conference theme, “Clasp Hemispheres, and Homes,” comes from Dickinson’s poem “The Sunrise runs for Both – ” (M 355, Fr765, J710). In congruence with Dickinson’s “Both” the meeting’s events will delve into the relation between Dickinson’s mental and material interiors and her expansive embrace of wider, external spheres. In addition to performances and panel presentations on related topics, the meeting will include special interest circles on research, pedagogy, translation, and the arts. On July 20th we will hold Critical Institute workshops to support the work of early career scholars. Please join us in Amherst next summer to celebrate Dickinson’s work and the vibrant community she inspires. We will be in touch soon with more details and registration information. For now, please save the date!!! Questions? Please contact Karen Sánchez-Eppler (