You are hereEDIS Undergraduate Scholarship Award 2023The Emily Dickinson International Society is pleased to sponsor a prize for undergraduate work on Emily Dickinson. Our goal is to encourage, recognize, and publicize outstanding scholarship among undergraduate students. Students whose work was created for any undergraduate course, and touches on any aspect of Dickinson, are eligible to submit. Papers and projects should be no longer than 15 pages or the equivalent and should include a heading with the student’s name, undergraduate institution, and email address; a title; and a work cited list. We are also happy to receive experiential and experimental work in different media. A panel of Dickinson scholars will review all submissions and provide feedback to highly ranked submissions. The author of selected submissions will receive a small cash prize and can list this national award on their resumés. In addition, the selected work will be posted on the EDIS website in September and will be noted, either by an interview with the writer, or by publication, in the EDIS Bulletin. Teachers: please encourage your students to submit their work. Send it, with a cover page that contains the student's email and mailing addresses, and a short recommendation or contextualization from the instructor, to Elizabeth Petrino, Professor of English, Fairfield University ( The deadline for papers to be submitted is June 30, 2023.