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Lebow, Lori

Lori Lebow
Ph.D. Student
Lecturer in Victorian and Romantic American and British Literature
Tutor in Introduction to Literature and Screen Studies
University of Wollongong
New South Wales


Articles on both Dickinson and Austen have appeared in The Teaching of English (1986 & 1993), Jane Austen Society of Australia Newsletter (1993-95)

Cartoons and literary humor have been published in the Emily Dickinson Bulletin, December 1997.

"The Generosity of Senior Citizens." [Short Story]. Northern Suburbs Newspaper.

"Emily Dickinson, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, and the Mind of God." Multi-media audio/lecture for the Nineteenth-Century Women's Writer's Web Site, June 1996.

"The Secret Friend." Sensibilities. Jane Austen Society of Australia, December 1994. This essay was the winning submission in the Michael Orange Memorial Competition.

"The Twenty Dollar Hero." Short story accepted for publication in anthology edited by John Elborne.

Work in Progress

Dissertation: Autobiograhic Self-Construction in the Letters of Emily Dickinson

Research Interests

19th Century Literature
Emily Dickinson
Jane Austen
Arts and Sciences