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Morse, Jonathan

Jonathan Morse
Department of English
University of Hawaii at Manoa
1733 Donaghho Road
Honolulu, HI 96822-2315


Six articles in An Emily Dickinson Encyclopedia. Greenwood Press, 1998.

"Some of the Things We Mean When We Say 'New England.'" Emily Dickinson Journal 5.2 (1996): 209-14.

Word by Word: The Language of Memory. Cornell University Press, 1990.

"History in the Text." Texas Studies in Literature and Language 24 (1982): 329-46.

"Memory, Desire, and the Need for Biography: The Case of Emily Dickinson." Georgia Review 35 (1981): 259-72.

"J.G. Holland's Moral Politics." Journal of Popular Culture 12 (1978-79): 127-37.

Work in Progress

A book about the representation of social codes in literature

Research Interests

Literature of the Modernist Period