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Kirkby, Joan

Dr. Joan Kirkby
Associate Professor, Department of Critical and Cultural Studies
Macquarie University, N.S.W. 2109
Phone: 61 - 02 - 9850 8755


‘”We grow accustomed to the Dark”: Emily Dickinson, Religion and Nineteenth Century Science’, The Dark Side, edited by Christopher Hartney and Andrew McGarrity (University of Sydney: RLA Press, 2004).

‘“A Crescent still abides”: Emily Dickinson and the Work of Mourning’, Wider than the Sky: Essays and Meditations on the Healing Power of Emily Dickinson, edited by Cindy MacKenzie and Barbara Dana (Kent State University Press, 2007). p p. 129-141

‘Reading Neocon Rhetoric: Walt Whitman and the War on Terror’, Interrogating the War on Terror: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Deborah Staines (Newcastle UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007), pp. 30-49.

‘”Shadows of the Invisible World”: Swedenborg, Mesmer and the Spiritualist Sciences’, Frankenstein’s Science, edited by Jane Goodall and Christa Knellwolf (London: Ashgate, 2008), pp.

‘Emily Dickinson in Australia’, Emily Dickinson’s International Reception edited by Domhnall Mitchell and Maria Stuart, forthcoming (London: Contiuum International Publishers, 2008).

Emily Dickinson. Macmillian, 1991; St. Martin's Press, 1993.

The American Model: Influence and Independence in American Poetry. Hale and Iremonger, 1982,

"'Big My Secret/ But It's Bandaged': Emily Dickinson and Jane Campion's The Piano". The Emily Dickinson International Newsletter 3 (1994): 4-6.

"Reading Dickinson Reading." The Emily Dickinson Journal 5 (1996)" 47-255.

"The Atlantic Monthly," "Books and Reading," "Crisis," "The Hampshire and Franklin Express," "Harper's new Monthly Magazine," "Scribner's Monthly." An Emily Dickinson Encyclopedia, Ed. Jane Donahue Eberwein (Greenwood, 1998).

"Is There Life After Art: The Metaphysics of Marilynne Robinson's Housekeeping." Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 4 (1986) 10-27.

"The American Prospero." Southern Review 18 (1985): 90-109.

"Spengler and Apocalyptic Typology in F.Scott Fitzgerald's Tender is the Night." Southern Review 12 (1979): 246-262.

"Melville's Tale of Love: A Lacanian Reading of Pierre." The Australasian Journal of American Studies 8 (1989) 12-21.

"Daisy Miller down Under: The Old World/New World Paradigm in the Fiction of Barbara Hanrahan." Kunapipi 8 (1986) 10-27.

"Barbara Baynton: An Australian Jocasta." Westerly 4 (1989) 114-124.

"Finding a Voice in this fiercely fathered and unmothered world: The Poetry of Fay Zwicky." Poetry and Gender, Ed. David Brooks and Brenda Walker. University of Queensland Press, 1989: 175-195.

"The Spinster and the Missing Mother in the Fiction of Elizabeth Jolley." Old Maids to Radical Spinsters. Ed. Laura Doan. University of Illinois press, 1991: 235-258.

"The Lure of Abjection: Kristeva's Borderliner and Australian Masculinity in Hal Porter, A.D. Hope, Patrick White." Austrlaian Contemporary Culture and Critical Theory. Ed. Patrick Fuery. Longmann, 1992: 151-175.

"Julia Kristeva's Celebration of the Inner Life: The Imaginary Father and the Elaboration of Psychic Space." A Grain of Eternity. Ed. by Michael Griffiths and Jim Tulip. Berget, 1998, 115-122.

"Julia Kristeva: A Politics of the Inner Life." After the Revolution: On Kristeva. Ed. by John Lechte and Mary Zournazi. ArtSpace, 1998, 109-127.

"Australian Grunge Fiction." AmericaniZation and Australia, ed. by Philip and Roger Bell. UNSW Press, 1998, 228-245.

Work in Progress & Research Interests

The Periodical in the Attic: Emily Dickinson's Readings of 19thC New England Periodicals which draws on an archive of readings from key periodicals subscribed to by the Dickinson family 1844-1886. With Helen Shoobridge.

Emily Dickinson and the 19thC Darwin Wars

Australian/U.S. Relations

Psychoanalytic social critique